"No shaking, light feeling! Unwavering backpack" is now available for pre-order.

We have signed an exclusive sales right agreement in Japan with Kingthing Tech and will start handling the following product as an authorized distributor.  
  Brand name:RiiTURN 
  Product name:”No shaking, light feeling! Unwavering backpack”
Pre-order sale will start at 11:00 am on December 26th (Sun) on the crowdfunding platform Makuake.  
長時間移動を快適に!74個のバネが肩と首の負担を軽減。特許技術の攻めバックパック|マクアケ - アタラシイものや体験の応援購入サービス

大容量のバックパックを背負った瞬間、ショルダーベルトが肩に食い込む。 そんな経験はありませんか??? ✓大容量✓高収納のバッグにこそ、必要なものは何か? 機…